Wednesday, March 31, 2010
michelangelo, pisano, massacio, etcetera
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
my computer is broken
and I am going to miss this place
forgive me
the beautiful world
of blogging
will have me back
soon enough
I'm trying not to be upset because in reality, if I lived in the 60s I wouldn't be crying over spilt milk, or crying over a broken laptop, because THEY WERENT EVEN AROUND! Sadly, I live in the 2000s and they are around. And we need them. But I will be fine. I will read my novels, and write my notes, and find a computer to write a beautiful essay on, and all will be grand. Wish me luck, blogging world.
this song has its mega perks !

they think we're lovers, kept under covers,
I just ignore it but they keep saying we
laugh just a little too loud,
we stand just a little too close,
we stare just a little too loooooooooong,
maybe they're seein' something we don't darlin!
It took a rumour, to make me wonder, now I'm convinced that I'm going under.
Thinkin' bout you every day,
dreamin' about you every night,
hopin' that you feel the same waaaaaaaaaaaaay,
now that we know it, let's really show it darlin'!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
"look at me, my breasts are perky, yes!"
Saturday, March 20, 2010
paris, je t'aime.

"I feel like I’ve seen you before. You look like a mystical guy. Really, you have a very special aura. You believe in spirits? I’m way into that stuff. Maybe we met in a past lifetime. It’s amazing. As soon as I saw you, I needed to talk. It’s like, I don’t know… a strong, weird feeling. I thought if I don’t talk to you before I go, I’d be missing out on something important. I didn’t want to miss the chance to talk to you. You believe in soul mates? Finding your other half?"
the ideal life.
Friday, March 19, 2010
the boys are TOTALLY back.
Monday, March 15, 2010
flightless bird.

Have I found you, flightless bird?
Friday, March 12, 2010
yes mr big, i know.
“I’ve been thinking about that article you’re writing, about men who date models." - Mr Big.
“What about them?” - Carrie.
“Well first of all, there are so many goddamn gorgeous women out there in the city.” - Big.
“What an amazing observation.” - Carrie.
“But the thing is this. After a while, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh. Know what I mean?” - Big.
'“I think it’s so cool that you write.”
“I wish I could write. I’ve got all these intense thoughts, but I can’t keep them in my head long enough to get them down on paper.”
“Well, that’s the big trick.”
“Truth is, I’m totally neurotic. One minute I can be walking down the street totally cool and then the next I’m depressed for no reason. I’m totally self-conscious. Like before I say something, I say it in my head first so it doesn’t come out wrong.”
“Doesn’t that seem like a waste of time?”
“It only takes a second. I get really distracted all the time, too.”
“What’s distracting you now?”
“Your nose.”
“Oh, thanks a lot.”
“No, no, it’s just so cute. I hate my nose too. It’s too big. But I think it depends on my hair.”
“Yeah. I see what you mean.”
“So what do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I think this might be it. What do you wanna be when you grow up?”
“I’d like to move back to Iowa and have kids and be a cop. Do you mind if we just lie here? I get so lonely in the city. Sometimes it’s just nice to lie with someone.”
“Sure. We could do that.”
It made me wonder how someone so beautiful could ever be lonely.'
oh for the love of wellington!
I am so in love with Wellington right now. I love walking at night and seeing the hotels lit up with people staying in them;
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
imagine that.

Today I had many cute moments.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
brings back the mems.
Faded white hats
Grabbing credits
Maybe transfers
They read all the books but they can't find the answers
And all of our parents
They're getting older
I wonder if they've wished for anything better
While in their memories
Tiny tragedies
They love to tell you
Stay inside the lines
But something's better
On the other side
I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the
Top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you got to rise above
Monday, March 8, 2010
little bobbie boo.
Friday, March 5, 2010
who says?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
sometimes vocabulary runs through my head;
Monday, March 1, 2010
you, are.

I got a tumblr today! I have yet signed onto another social networking site. but it's not really social networking because nobody knows my tumblr. maybe i'll show you. maybe. it's really cool, it's like a Penguin classic book and it's gorgeous, the layout sums me up amazingly.