Wednesday, May 30, 2012
home is whenever I'm with you.
Do you remember that day you fell out of my window?
I sure do, you came jumping out after me.
Well, you fell on the concrete, nearly broke your ass, you were bleeding all over the place and I rushed you out to the hospital, you remember that?
Yes, I do.
Well, there's something I never told you about that night.
What didn't you tell me?
While you were sitting in the backseat smoking a cigarette you thought was going to be your last, I was falling deep, deeply in love with you, and I never told you until just now.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Raining - Inara George.
It's raining so hard, looks like it's gonna rain all night.
This is the time I'd love to be holding you tight.
But I guess I'll have to accept the fact that you're not here, I wish the night would hurry up my dear.
It's raining so hard, it's really coming down.
Stand by my window, watching the rain fall to the ground.
This is the time I'd love to be holding you tight.
I guess I'll just go crazy tonight.
I heard this song on Bridesmaids, and it's absolutely beaaaaaaautiful. I was listening to it today as it poured down outside. Perfect. I wish I had a voice like hers. And piano skills like Elton John. And looks like Zooey Deschanel.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
this one time, at the bank.
I met the nicest lady at the bank the other day.
As she cashed my cheque (that I thought wouldn't go through...thank the lord) she congratulated me on my graduation that happened a year ago, and she told me I had a really nice name. She said "If I ever had another daughter, I would call her Jamie Lee". She asked me if I was named after Jamie Lee Curtis, and I told her I'd have to ask my parents. She told me all about this True Lies movie that Jamie Lee Curtis was in, that apparently is really good and has quite a 'sensual' scene. All this as she cashed my cheque. Why can't all bank tellers be like this?
Friday, May 25, 2012
this is a week of firsts - i watched star wars for the first time with my friend tara (i know...i know...deprived, living under a rock and all that!), and last night, i watched fight club for the first time.
star wars is better than i thought it would be! i probably wouldn't watch them over and over again, but they're good. i watched episode one, and i thought anakin was adorable. yoda was wise. jar jar binks was okay, but i could hardly understand his accent (mesa thinks). ewan mcgregor was, and will always be, a total babe.
one down, like five to go. i'll get there.
fight club was magnif. violent, yeah, but the images were fantastic (marla smoking the cigarette, unf). i loved marla's character the best, she was amazing. such great acting!
i'm now in the mood to watch more firsts. time to make a list.
star wars is better than i thought it would be! i probably wouldn't watch them over and over again, but they're good. i watched episode one, and i thought anakin was adorable. yoda was wise. jar jar binks was okay, but i could hardly understand his accent (mesa thinks). ewan mcgregor was, and will always be, a total babe.
one down, like five to go. i'll get there.
fight club was magnif. violent, yeah, but the images were fantastic (marla smoking the cigarette, unf). i loved marla's character the best, she was amazing. such great acting!
i'm now in the mood to watch more firsts. time to make a list.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
"Love was that moment when your heart was about to burst."
- Stieg Larsson, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The Beginners.
This movie...
Le perfection. My favourite things:
-Ewan McGregor's hair,
- His American accent,
- Christopher Plummer,
- The dog Arthur and his advice,
- Melanie Laurent's eyes,
- The flashbacks and history overviews.
If you haven't seen The Beginners, do it. I've already suggested it to most of my friends :)
Friday, May 18, 2012
shy people problems.
I can be shy.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't so. Sometimes I think that my shyness is not the real me. That people are getting the complete wrong idea about me. Today I had like ten million awkward shy moments, and I ended up going home feeling like a completely different person.
Watching American Idol, home alone (save for le flatmate snoozing away in her bed at the moment) and wishing I could be out having laughs, drinks, deep and meaningfuls. Oh friends, why do you all have to move away?
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
could these two get any cuter?
"On our first date, I treated her to the finest ice cream Baskin-Robbins had to offer, our dinner table doubling as the curb. I kissed her, and it tasted like chocolate."
- Obama (on his first date with Michelle)
mothers are boss.
i love my mum.
what would i do without her? actually, my heart kind of stops when i think about it. i don't think i could ever deal with losing this woman.
she's the kind of woman who listens, really listens. she would listen to me telling her my problems, sitting at the bench, helping her peel the potatoes or making a cup of tea. for that, i thank her.
she's incredibly honest, and it's the kind of honesty i wish i had. i can definitely learn that from her.
she's giving, she's lovely to anyone and everyone. everyone adores my mum.
when i went to university, she cried all the way home. i suppose it's hard, having your last child leave the nest, as they say. it was hard for me too. i do miss her comfort, her arms, her hugs, her words of wisdom.
but the thing is, i know she'll always be there for me.
it doesn't matter how far i am.
you rule, lynnette (two n's, two t's) christine! please forgive me for getting you a mother's day card that was actually a birthday card.
Monday, May 14, 2012
i'd rather dance than talk with you.
One of my favourite songs in the entire world...
Whenever I watch this, I can't help but want to dance like that.
Whenever I watch this, I can't help but want to dance like that.
Friday, May 11, 2012
le dreams of europe.
My one mission is to save enough money to actually go on this grand ol' trip to Europe. Lately, my savings track record has been a bit shite lately. I am trying to cut down on buying too many clothes (because i really, really do not need them as much as i want them), buying unnecessary food aaaaaaand taking taxis everywhere. It's going to be hard (first world problems right here), but honestly, a trip to Europe is my ultimate goal. Oh, to immerse myself in the history, culture, food...god, I dream of this. I'm hoping to travel with my good friend Kate, and it should be aaaaamazing, and toats awes.
Monday, May 7, 2012
This is the thing: When you hit 28 or 30, everything begins to divide. You can see very clearly two kinds of people. On one side, people who have used their 20s to learn and grow, to find … themselves and their dreams, people who know what works and what doesn’t, who have pushed through to become real live adults. Then there’s the other kind, who are hanging onto college, or high school even, with all their might. They’ve stayed in jobs they hate, because they’re too scared to get another one. They’ve stayed with men or women who are good but not great, because they don’t want to be lonely. … they mean to develop intimate friendships, they mean to stop drinking like life is one big frat party. But they don’t do those things, so they live in an extended adolescence, no closer to adulthood than when they graduated.
Don’t be like that. Don’t get stuck. Move, travel, take a class, take a risk. There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don’t lose yourself at happy hour, but don’t lose yourself on the corporate ladder either. Stop every once in a while and go out to coffee or climb in bed with your journal.
Ask yourself some good questions like: “Am I proud of the life I’m living? What have I tried this month? … Do the people I’m spending time with give me life, or make me feel small? Is there any brokenness in my life that’s keeping me from moving forward?”
Now is your time. Walk closely with people you love, and with people who believe … life is a grand adventure. Don’t get stuck in the past, and don’t try to fast-forward yourself into a future you haven’t yet earned. Give today all the love and intensity and courage you can, and keep traveling honestly along life’s path.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
I got my hair cut the other day.
My hair dresser, an astonishingly beautiful 20-something, always gives me a fringe I don't like. I just don't have the heart to tell her that - I walk out thinking, oh, it'll be alright, but then wake up the next morning ready to spend an hour trying to style it properly.
I'm almost contemplating going to another hair-dresser for a fringe trim...I know, I'm a traitor. What would my hair-dresser say when I go to my next appointment with a completely different fringe?! "Um, I did it myself?"
But on the plus side, my hair is now much lighter and shorter and I feel like a new woman :) I think I needed the hair-cut. I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and I think I'm slowly getting out of it, thanks to the help from my lovely hair cut (albeit the fringe), a great relaxing weekend with the flatmate, the Avengers (too many babes in one film!), an Inbetweeners marathon and a bloody fabulous roast chicken dinner.
Funk, go away.
Yours sincerely,
Jimmy x

My hair dresser, an astonishingly beautiful 20-something, always gives me a fringe I don't like. I just don't have the heart to tell her that - I walk out thinking, oh, it'll be alright, but then wake up the next morning ready to spend an hour trying to style it properly.
I'm almost contemplating going to another hair-dresser for a fringe trim...I know, I'm a traitor. What would my hair-dresser say when I go to my next appointment with a completely different fringe?! "Um, I did it myself?"
But on the plus side, my hair is now much lighter and shorter and I feel like a new woman :) I think I needed the hair-cut. I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and I think I'm slowly getting out of it, thanks to the help from my lovely hair cut (albeit the fringe), a great relaxing weekend with the flatmate, the Avengers (too many babes in one film!), an Inbetweeners marathon and a bloody fabulous roast chicken dinner.
Funk, go away.
Yours sincerely,
Jimmy x

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