Dear Salient,
So there's this girl who is in my Stats131 class and I think she does biology as well because I saw her with a biology textbook outside CO122 once. She always sits on the right side when we have class in easterfield006 and I think she is really cute, and I am always wondering if she is someone who hates small talk, and doesn't hang out in bars, and isn't interested in playing games, and maybe we could fall in love right then and there, and maybe she would always hold my hand in public, and always smell good, and not complain that I don't make much money, and give me that feeling that I can do anything, and tell me I'm good looking, and make me feel like I'm the only guy in the world, and find it endearing instead of annoying that I like rotary phones, and enjoy with me my passion for analogue photography and manual typewriters, and love sitting on the veranda with me with hot chocolates and inspiring books, and make me feel like I'm going places, and not be a vegetarian but have moral opposition to veal, and not look around the room all the time when we're out at a restaurant (even if the whole All Blacks team is sitting 10 metres away at Monsoon Poon), and never stay mad at me for too long, and make the coffee at least 50% of the time, and bonk my brains out with great regularity, and tell me I look cool when I drive and never answer her cellphone when we're hanging out, and not talk about her ex-boyfriends all that often, and write me silly notes sometimes, and say I'm dark and mysterious even after you've known me for a while, and tell me I could be a model for the best-selling dildo, and give me backrubs on occasion, and not get mad at me when I call her when I'm drunk, and not get scared if I get really attached, and not consider it a wasted day if we never get out of bed, and have a pair of those knee-high leather boots somewhere in her closet, and not get mad that I never remember the rules for poker, and make everything all better when I have a crappy day. So today I tried going to talk to her but I got scared and just walked into Stats. Sitting in class at 11.11 I wished for her and that I was brave enough to talk to her.
cute! but i have so read that before, he didn't make that up. plagiarist!
ReplyDeleteare you serious? cos I was thinking, holy shit, he is AMAZING!
ReplyDeletewhere've you read it before?
i have this little picture with it on it. it's a bit different, he's changed it a wee bit, but still the same. i can send it to you if you like?
ReplyDeleteYes please! I'd love to see it. so he kinda changed it to go with what he was saying?