Things That Are Awesome:
watching Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married and swooning at Gerard Butler,
singing Walking In Memphis with Gemma,
planning a wine night with Pauline who hardly ever drinks wine,
loving Will from Northern Lights! I now get why he is so brilliant!,
my new nephew called Toby!,
pictures of JFK,
Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar,
summer weather.
Things That Aren't As Awesome:
Greenpeace people that say i'm awesome but all they want is money,
people who get in bad moods,
Aisling Symes' body found :'(,
not talking to my parents much, I miss you guys so much,
but I shouldn't complain because...
i saw the saddest book of photography. It was a book documenting 2008, it nearly made me cry. SO much shit has happened lately in our world, things I hardly realised was going on. So much blood, so much sadness. Please, it's like world war 3. Can we move on?
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