Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
hold on tight to your dreams.
I wish things could work out for me...
I wish I could speak French.
I love cups of teas.
Dairy Milk White Bubbly is really really good.
It's late and I have to get up at 6.30.
I've finished work for a month.
I get family time for a month.
I love my family, coolest family right there.
But I still wish things could work out for me.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Bronze cast.
Neil Young - Harvest Moon.

Come a little bit closer
Hear what I have to say
Just like children sleepin'
We could dream this night away.
But there's a full moon risin'
Let's go dancin' in the light
We know where the music's playin'
Let's go out and feel the night.
Because I'm still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I'm still in love with you
On this harvest moon.
When we were strangers
I watched you from afar
When we were lovers
I loved you with all my heart.
But now it's gettin' late
And the moon is climbin' high
I want to celebrate
See it shinin' in your eye.
Because I'm still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I'm still in love with you
On this harvest moon.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
list of happiness.

Great day - consisted of:
- Book talks at work with work-mate who I don't know that well, but am slowly getting to know.
- My bad jokes are no longer bad because he tells jokes like that too so it's heaven.
- Cute Indian man who was really excited about cooking and kept saying "Hey!" and smiling and pointing to his wok everytime I walked past, "Masterchef material?" Heck yes Masterchef Material mate. Gordon Ramsinator would be stoked.
- And I just realised how cute people are. They totally are. People are brilliant.
- I bought the 'Listography' book from Iko Iko that I've been wanting since 2008...like, it's expensive as, and I actually used the rest of my money buying it but I bought it. And I'm really happy that I did!
- And I kinda got home to an e-mail...
- Saying that I had an interview secured for the Publishing course! I was short-listed and everything.
- Oh, and I bought togs.
Sunday, December 5, 2010

I love my family.
They make me laugh so much! It's really weird, but I get the sorest ears and I get really tired when I hang out with family...yeah, I'm probably going crazy. Just shoot me. But I think it's because I talk so much, and laugh so much, and my body just can't handle it.
They are SO funny! Funny is an understatement. Yes, we secretly make fun of people, but it's absolutely hilarious. We shorten every word possible, we make nicknames for everyone, even people we don't know (esp. the people we secretly make fun of) and we looooooove food.
I love them.
Best weekend ever with the sister and co.
They are too too too funny. Even the baby Lilah is, and she can't even talk yet.
I can't help getting sad when I go away, or when they go away. It's just this weird feeling that no one else quite understands me but them.
I'll see them soon. And then I'll go camping with them by the river at our house. And we'll laugh once more, and I better bring panadol because my ears will be hurtin' up a storm!
(btdubs. the girl in the picture is not quite my family, but she's my best friend so she's close.)
we built this city on rock and roll.

Singstar with friends!
I just adore it when friends aren't ashamed to play it. It's such a good time, honestly. I couldn't stop laughing when I first started. Me and Josh sang YMCA and it was just the most hilarious thing ever.
'YOUNG MAN! ARE YA LISTENING TO ME, I SAID YOUNG MAN" hahahahaaaaaaaa oh man. So hilarious.
Then me and Josh sang 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love'. High notes = hit, believe it or not!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Christmas Wish List.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Just a few things!
- I crack myself up so much...just had an epic laughing fit.
- There's a ginger cat stalking me. He comes up to the door once a day and peers in with his big eyes. Then when he notices I'm there, and when I wave geekily at him, he freaks the shit out and leaps over the fence like never before, and scuttles up the path... I wonder why he still comes back everyday? Silly cat. He hates me.
- My sister comes and stays with me tonight, with her husband and their baby =)
- I realised something last night that I have to tell them!
- Something about their daughter's name...
- Which is beautiful. It's Lilah.
- I made brownies last night. I've never ever ever made brownies before, and these are so delicious!
- I had a dream about working at World of Horses last night. It's where I used to work as a stable hand. I miss it SO much, it's not funny. I remember walking into the tack room and just smelling the saddles, and telling my friend Laura "Man, I've missed this place." My favourite horse Danny had died, however, and I got attacked by this fat pony called China but it was still fun!
- Vanilla coke. Delicious.
- If you're in Wellington, check out the window features at Kirkaldie and Stains. Such fun christmas ones that move!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Before I Die.
Before I Die by Jenny Downham.
It's beautiful. And lord did I cry! Tessa is a mix of likeable and unlikeable - there were moments where I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and YELL at her, but then I would completely understand what she was doing.
Read it.
So called.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh, but sooner or later it comes down to fate, I might as well be the one.
Oh, they showed you a statue, and told you to pray, they built you a temple and locked you away.
Oh, but they never told you the price that you'd pay, the things that you might have done.
Only the good die young, that's what I say.
Only the good die young.
You might've heard that I run with a dangerous crowd, we ain't too pretty, we ain't too proud,
we might be laughing a bit too loud, but that never hurt no one.
So come on Virginia, show me a sign, I'll send you a signal and I'll throw you a line,
the stained glassed curtains you're hiding behind,
never lets in the sun.
darlin' only the good die young, I tell ya only the good die young,
only the good die young.
You got a nice white dress and a party on your confirmation,
you got a brand new soul,
mmm, and a cross of gold.
But Virginia they didn't give you quite enough information!
You didn't count on me...when you were counting on your rosary.
They say there's a heaven for those who'll wait,
some day it's better but I say it ain't,
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints,
sinners are much more fun.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Afghan wars.
Last night in an effort to bring something to my friend's place for dessert, I made Afghans! But I sadly ran out of butter, and didn't have time to buy some... you can't have icing without butter! And Afghans are nothing without icing.

So this morning when I returned from said Friend's place (only took juice, no afghans...), I bought butter, and I iced them!
My oh my, icing is now my favourite food in the world.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
So, Sarah Dessen wasn't at the library. YEAH. I know. I was distraught. The other day I went there and like, five of her books were there. Silly teenagers finished their exams, huh?

But instead I got out:

I'm reading the second one now, and it's pretty sad. I'll do an update about it once it's done, but I think it's gonna be the hugest tear-jerker.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Along for the Ride.
Christmas Coffee
So, I made a yum cake that is actually pretty darn delicious! It's so good. I made it on Sunday, but it's still going strong - I've got a friend coming over tomorrow to help me finish it...mmmmm. I know I need to bake more because I love it, but I really don't have enough ingredients and baking stuff...excuses and excuses, right? I will try my best =)
great website right here got my taste buds going: http://foodgawker.com/
and I'm off to work for yet another night...working is good, but sometimes I'd like a night off - for example, trying to sort out plans with a friend who works during the day? very hard. we haven't seen each other in ages!
But I do enjoy my yummy meals I get to eat at work :P
I also enjoyed a nice gingerbread frapaccino from Starbucks last night to treat myself after finishing work early - god I love christmas coffee! Coffee & a Cosmo mag. Felt like Carrie.
The Office

And naaaah, don't say "Pffft, the UK version is way better." It's so annoying because yes, it may be a great show, but I also really love the US version. Like, actually. It's absolutely hilarious. All the characters have such different personalities, such real personalities... like, you can relate to them. There's Meredith with her alcoholicism, Dwight the wannabe, Jim the sarcastic witty guy, Pam the cute receptionist, Creed the weird creeper that doesn't really do much but just say creepy stuff, Stanley, oh Stanley...
Oh, I just laugh so hard at them!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Clark Gable.

I was waiting on a cross-town train in the London underground when it struck me.
That i've been waiting since birth to find a love that would look and sound like a movie.
So I changed my plans, I rented a camera and a van, and then I called you.
"I need you to pretend that we are in love again", and you agreed to.
I want so badly to believe that there is truth and love is real,
and I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd.
I greased the lens and framed the shot using a friend as my stand-in.
The script it called for rain but it was clear that day so we faked it.
The marker snapped and I yelled "quiet on the set", and then called "action!".
I kissed you in a style Clark Gable would've admired, I thought it classic.
I want so badly to believe that there is truth and love is real.
And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd.
I know you're wise beyond your years, but do you ever get the feeling,
that your perfect verse is just a lie you tell yourself to help you get by?
Friday, November 19, 2010
you're beautiful.

I have pepsi to drink and it's aaaaaaaall mine. yum.
I'm going to visit my sister, her baby, her husband, and my mum next weekend. It'll be wonderful.
I'm not as worried as I was before. Some people make me feel unnecessarily worried (man I suck at spelling unnecessary...had to spell check it twice), but I think I just have to try rid them from my everyday life...maybe not permanently, but perhaps just by distancing myself ...
My Jim.

I feel like I'm waiting out for Jim. Waiting out for my Jim, shall I say...
I don't think he's too far away. Maybe we'll meet in an office, like Pam's Jim. Maybe my publishing office when I'm an editor. Maybe we'll meet in a coffee shop one day. Or we'll accidently whack into each other down Lambton Quay. or skiing in Canada. Or going down the canal in Venice.
Who freaking knows.
But I think I will...Pam met her Jim at like, what, late twenties?
I'm only 21.
He'll come along.
i'm mega excited.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I hate:
- when people pronounce 's's really well because i can't.
- when you go to talk to someone on facebook and it turns out they're now offline.
- when people stare at you.
- when a really hot guy comes in with glasses on and it's obvious he has a girlfriend. dammit.
- when your internet stops working.
- when you bake something and it doesn't turn out good.
- writing a CV.
- applying for jobs. it makes me feel so inadequate.
- having to do things when you'd rather just stay in bed all day.
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh, Chevy Chase. You were such a good looker.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
growing up.
Monday, October 18, 2010
we were merely freshmen.
I don't know whether what I'm doing is wrong, or if it's right.
Do I need to become more badass, more full of it, more stickyuppy?
If you know what I mean.
I'm lost in everybody elses problems. I don't even know where I stand, where I begin, what I'm meant to be doing. I'm stuck between everyone.
To be honest, sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I lived by myself. And if I wanted to go hang out with people, I would. It would be fine. But no one would get jealous, no one would hassle me, no one would expect too much.
Because now I'm just questioning everything and I'm worried, and my heart pounds, and I feel bad, and I feel like I'm the one who's in the wrong but I'm not. Someone hurt me too. That someone tried to make it better, I know, but the hurt is still there. I'm willing to get over the hurt but some friends of mine aren't. So that someone is suffering for that.
It's the way it is.
In ten years I'm gonna forget about this.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first , I loved you first
Beneath the stars came falling on our heads
But they're just old light
They're just old light
Your hair was long when we first met
Samson came to my bed
Told me that my hair was red
Told me I was beautiful and came into my bed
I cut his hair myself one night
A pair of dull scissors and the yellow light
He told me that I'd done all right
And kissed me until the morning light, the morning light
And he kissed me until the morning light
Samson went back to bed
Not much hair left on his head
Ate a slice of Wonderbread
And went right back to bed
We couldn't break the columns down
No, we couldn't destroy a single one
And the history books forgot about us
And the Bible didn't mention us
Not even once
ingrid michaelson.

don't you worry there, my honey, we may not have any money,
but we're got our love to pay the bills.
maybe i think you're cute and funny, maybe i wanna do what bunnies do with you,
if you know what i mean.
oh, let's get rich and buy our parent's homes in the south of france,
let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance,
let's get rich and build our house on a mountain making everybody look like ants,
way up there,
you and i, you and i.
Friday, October 1, 2010
potter musical.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
what will 21 bring?
will it bring love?
will it bring laughs?
of course! it's going to be a big age for me. the year after university, the year of decisions and the year of...being 21.
dinner tonight at tara, gemma and michelle's! butter chicken =)

And you know what new music means...more inspiration, and new beats to dance around to! At the moment it's laid back tunes that I can lay on my bed and look out the window at the blossom tree and sing along to :)
Here are my top faves!
1. Angus and Julia Stone.
2. Belle & Sebastian (always been a fave, but these are songs I haven't heard before)
3. Bright Eyes
4. Paolo Nutini
5. Ingrid Michaelson.
Today's a relaxing day - day off uni! so I made my bed, put away my clothes, watched True Blood (which was pretty scary) and am unfortunately listening to my flatmates talking about anal beads. Nonono!
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