Great day - consisted of:
- Book talks at work with work-mate who I don't know that well, but am slowly getting to know.
- My bad jokes are no longer bad because he tells jokes like that too so it's heaven.
- Cute Indian man who was really excited about cooking and kept saying "Hey!" and smiling and pointing to his wok everytime I walked past, "Masterchef material?" Heck yes Masterchef Material mate. Gordon Ramsinator would be stoked.
- And I just realised how cute people are. They totally are. People are brilliant.
- I bought the 'Listography' book from Iko Iko that I've been wanting since 2008...like, it's expensive as, and I actually used the rest of my money buying it but I bought it. And I'm really happy that I did!
- And I kinda got home to an e-mail...
- Saying that I had an interview secured for the Publishing course! I was short-listed and everything.
- Oh, and I bought togs.
Yay what a great day!!!!! oohh did you get the togs that you were telling me about??? soo happy for you. I just know that you are going to get in mate, it is all going to work out for you! Love ya xxx