Friday, January 28, 2011
why do you let me stay here?
it was not your fault, but mine.
I feel weird today. I think it's because I'm home alone. I'm not having as much fun as Macaulay Caulkin did!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
life is liking things.

Things I Kind of Like:
reading new magazines
Simon from Misfit's smile
$1.20 cans of pepsi from the shop
the hilarious guy at the fish and chip shop
mad men
cracking myself up
being stressed and then realising it was all for nothing
finding a job that i can apply for
and hoping i'll get it
a clean kitchen
best coast 'boyfriend' = great song
vintage sunglasses
saucy stirfry
baking cakes
and eating them
hugs from friends
and mum's really warm and loving hugs
my creative writing group
apple cider
the eagles
bobby pins (which i never have enough of)
good sense of humours
dress up parties
dreaming about travel
pictures of travel
nice views
the way babies smell
the way they drop their lip
reading a book in bed
Monday, January 24, 2011

I love it when random memories come to you, and you get this warm fuzzy feeling run over you.
That song 'Lady' by Little River Band just came on and it reminded me of when we were singing it at camp, Lissy and Grant in the kitchen doing dinner things and singing it.
"And I love you best,
You're not like the rest,
You're there when I need you,
You're there when I need,
I'm gonna need you.
A long time ago I had a lady to love,
She made me think of things I never thought of.
Now she's gone and I'm on my own,
A love song has come into my mind,
A love song, it was there all the time.
So lady, let me take a look at you now,
You're there on the dance floor, making me want you somehow.
Oh lady, I think it's only fair I should say to you,
Don't be thinkin' that I don't want you, 'cause maybe I do."
Sunday, January 23, 2011

It annoys me, and it's extremely noticeable, how I alllllllways want to take photos of everyone but no one wants to take pictures of me. It sounds weird but you know those moments when you should take photos - travel, something exciting happens, a party etc. not always, but sometimes.
i'm having a simon from misfits day.
le boy.
Sweet darlin', come hold me, just a little bit longer now.
What do you do when you like someone and you think they might like you too, but they end up talking about other girls with you?
Do you give up?
Or do you talk about boys back to them?
I just did the latter.
I now await for the reply.
Oh, I just got it. It was "Hehehe."
Saturday, January 15, 2011
never let me go.
the mighty wairoa.

Sun, water (not surf, but the gorgeous clean refreshing kind), laughs, games, coffees by the campfire, fighting over Favourites, biscuiting, watching Misfits in the tent, adoring my nieces and nephews in every way, getting to know my sisters, and just enjoying it.
Grandad, you were always there. We never forgot about you for a second, mate. I saw your trees - beautiful. love you.
i'm going back to wellington on tuesday. i'm having those restless nights, where i worry my night away. then i proceeded to have a dream about friends of mine getting boyfriends/girlfriends. am i doing the right thing? am i wasting money? or will things just work out like they're meant to?
Monday, January 10, 2011
the world!

I wouldn't mind being a history or geography teacher. Maybe History/Geography...Historical Geography. Showing the history of the geographical world. What happened where, when, how. How the societies of the world were formed. Why the people are where they are, and why what happened happened.
The world is so beautiful. Maps of the world make my heart pound. I'd love to stand in front of a class, point to a country and tell them something cool and informative.
Who knows?
Never Let Me Go.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
you ain't getting no younger.
"Don't you draw the Queen of Diamonds,
She'll beat you when she's able.
You know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet."

After a weekend in Hamilton, I've discovered that...
1) i want a horse. i'll call him something daggy like horace.
2) i really want a dog... ideally a huge huge huge fat sheepdog with lots of hair and i'll call him wilson. but i'll settle for something else. i met an adorable boxer dog called zen this weekend, and he was swell.
3) i love driving by myself, and singing along to fleetwood mac and crying at sad songs and doing really daggy dance to michael jackson.
4) i get emotional when i'm really tired.
5) i don't know who's genes i have, but i have this problem where i feel left out really easily. i don't know who to blame... myself?
6) i love amanda seyfried!
7) i can't go to bed without lip balm.
8) my parents are adorbs.
9) life really isn't perfect, but i like it that way.
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