After a weekend in Hamilton, I've discovered that...
1) i want a horse. i'll call him something daggy like horace.
2) i really want a dog... ideally a huge huge huge fat sheepdog with lots of hair and i'll call him wilson. but i'll settle for something else. i met an adorable boxer dog called zen this weekend, and he was swell.
3) i love driving by myself, and singing along to fleetwood mac and crying at sad songs and doing really daggy dance to michael jackson.
4) i get emotional when i'm really tired.
5) i don't know who's genes i have, but i have this problem where i feel left out really easily. i don't know who to blame... myself?
6) i love amanda seyfried!
7) i can't go to bed without lip balm.
8) my parents are adorbs.
9) life really isn't perfect, but i like it that way.
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