So, I've been working so much lately that I'm just like:

But to be honest, I love it! I haven't worked full time before, so it's all very new and I love meeting new people and stuff. The people are really cool - Sakura, the adorbs Japanese/English lady who makes it awkward when people ask where she's from; Ana, the naughty high schooler who wears cute dresses and loves eating chips and quotes I Love You, Man with me; John, the Samoan father of two (and a stepdaughter) who always says "hard out" and loves music; and Aniella, the funny and bubbly Shortland Street extra who is never cocky (I only found this out after a week of working with her) and gives great advice...
Love those guys.
Although I'm looking forward to perhaps getting to sleep in a little bit more, the prospect of never really seeing these people again is looming before me...I'm sure they wouldn't mind too much, but I want to add them on facebook or something! Haha, major stalker Jamie coming through.
je suis fatigue.
like you'd NEVER believe.
i finished The Secret Life Of Bees though, and it was brilliant. I heart Lily Melissa Owens, and August Boatwright, & the relationship between Lily and Zach? Gorge.
i'm sort of floating through life at the moment. not knowing where to stop, or what to think.
but i won't think about it too much. i'll just let it all go.
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