It's been a weird couple of days - only the start of the week! Blurgh, or in Sims terms, Flargh.
There's good parts, of course they're not all bad. I have fun at work. I enjoy it. People make me laff, and we have quiiiiiite a bit of fun. I enjoy Arna-Kate's sarcasm, and James' funny comments about pretty much everything, and Sophie's shortened words, Tiffany's cute laugh.
There's been a bit of drama that I hope sorts it's stuff out. I have to move desks, and I don't really want to...but oh well, it'll work out. It might be good to have a change...really will miss my lovely desk though. We had some good times...*mock sniff* haha.
Today = meetings galore, and Army Boss gave us all an intense lecture about how we have to work harder. I don't know if it was pointed at our team though...it was kind of awks.
Sometimes I get a bit in over my head, and today was a prime example.
I tried writing my Kennedy story the other day. I came up with an awesome starting couple of lines, but could just not continue...ah well, in time...Also, by Kennedy I don't mean our friend JFK, but a novel about a boy who is named Kennedy =)
My nephew's girlfriend is being a bit weird on facebook. It's annoying me a bit. Like, show him some respect. I'm a bit protective, I gotta say.
Anyway, i'm out. this was another really weird post. I'm currently wearing black geeky glasses just for the hell of it. God, I'm off to sleep! Desk moving day tomorrow.
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