I just realised I have an obsession with children/young people in movies and books. I think they are the most gorgeous, real, pure characters. I have a real fascination with them. For example, Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird, Nono from The Round Up and more recently, Kyle from the film Win Win.
Kyle, oh Kyle. He was so sweet, so slow, so polite. Like, he was kind of a boy from the wrong side of the tracks but he respected his elders. He wasn't trying to be anything he wasn't. The way he wanted to go to the supermarket with Jackie? Adorbs. Out of the blue he's just like "Can I come?" And how he hung out with their 6 year old daughter all the time.
Me and my friend looked at each other and she said "I'm in love with this kid."
I think that's why I want to write books about young people. I find them so interesting, and uplifting. I love childhood/adolescence. I find it so incredibly appealing. I'm so nostalgic to my past, so I guess that's one reason why...
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