I might make a blog about random people I see, or notice, in everyday life. I just love people, and characters, and just seeing how similar and how different we all can be.
stay tuned...
in the meantime, i love this site! www.writing.upenn.edu/library/Mayer-Bernadette_Experiments.html has some great ideas about both blogs/journals and writing.
need to get back into writing. i have been slack and lazy about it, which is not good. writing is all i want to do, yet i don't really do it! except write letters to mothers at work. i write awesome letters, like a BAWSS, I have you know. I am so so so used to writing "Thank you for registering ______ with Births, Deaths and Marriages, received on _________" that my fingers just do it automatically.
i like work. the people are hilarious! god. i have a work quote book and i feel a bit embarrassed sometimes when people read it. i mean, i'm not a stalker, i just love observing and remembering funny stuff. today someone said "oh god, i have to watch what i say!" but i was like nah...it's just funny quotes. and it stays in the book. i don't write down scandalous stuff. my quote book is honestly the coolest thing about work. might publish it one day...naaaaaaah, jokes (*shifty eyes*)
anyway, off to do my washing/clean my room/eat dinner/watch friends. adios.
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