Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm 21 now. 21! forever, 21? nahh, maybe not. next year i'll turn 22. i wore a blue and white spotted dress for my birthday, and had my hair up. i drank orange punch with raspberry raro in it. i danced to david bowie and sang along to 500 miles with my favourite friends.
what will 21 bring?
will it bring love?
will it bring laughs?
of course! it's going to be a big age for me. the year after university, the year of decisions and the year of...being 21.

dinner tonight at tara, gemma and michelle's! butter chicken =)


New music!
And you know what new music means...more inspiration, and new beats to dance around to! At the moment it's laid back tunes that I can lay on my bed and look out the window at the blossom tree and sing along to :)
Here are my top faves!

1. Angus and Julia Stone.
2. Belle & Sebastian (always been a fave, but these are songs I haven't heard before)
3. Bright Eyes
4. Paolo Nutini
5. Ingrid Michaelson.

Today's a relaxing day - day off uni! so I made my bed, put away my clothes, watched True Blood (which was pretty scary) and am unfortunately listening to my flatmates talking about anal beads. Nonono!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Caroline Kennedy was so adorable! Plus did she realise how babeish her dad was right next to her in those sunnies? Woaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

mo bday!

So, it was my birthday on Sunday! I had a party with all my pals (minus one which sucked), especially pals from Tauranga, and drank punch, danced around to 500 Miles and lipsyncing to Under Pressure, doing the Footloose and the hokey pokey, catching up with old friends, getting presents that I loved, going and boogieing at Boogie Wonderland, having a bff pee in the grass next to the university steps, and lauuuuuuuughing.
I love my friends!