Monday, August 26, 2013

Oh I do believe
In all the things you say
What comes is better than what came before

And you'd better come come, come come to me
Better come come, come come to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come

Oh I do believe
In all the things you say
What comes is better that what came before

And you'd better run run, run run to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come, come come, come come to me
You'd better run

feeling, like i want someone to come and give me a big bear hug. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


i want the kind of kiss where they cross the room with the intention of kissing you, and their hands touch your face before their mouth does and when they finally kiss you, it's fucking perfect.
like this guy who kisses lily collins at the end of M83's claudia lewis music video; like the kiss at the end of here in your arms where they both eat gum and kiss for a million seconds and it seems like they're the only ones in the room.

i know these kisses exist; i've had one once. we sat on the steps of cuba street mall at 2am, drunk teens surrounding us like flies, the music blaring from JJ Murphys, and we were talking and i turned my head to say something and he just kissed me and afterwards i laughed because i was happy but he was nervous because i laughed.

but i want to experience more. i want to have it make my heart beat a thousand miles an hour, i want to think about it for hours, days after, letting it sink in. i want to be nervous around him, but excited, and i want to feel like it's fine to do PDA because this person makes it okay.

just some thoughts.

x J

Friday, August 16, 2013

just what i needed.

And kid, you’ve got to love yourself. You’ve got wake up at four in the morning, brew black coffee, and stare at the birds drowning in the darkness of the dawn. You’ve got to sit next to the man at the train station who’s reading your favorite book and start a conversation. You’ve got to come home after a bad day and burn your skin from a shower. Then you’ve got to wash all your sheets until they smell of lemon detergent you bought for four dollars at the local grocery store. You’ve got to stop taking everything so goddam personally. You are not the moon kissing the black sky. You’ve got to compliment someones crooked brows at an art fair and tell them that their eyes remind you of green swimming pools in mid July. You’ve got to stop letting yourself get upset about things that won’t matter in two years. Sleep in on Saturday mornings and wake yourself up early on Sunday. You’ve got to stop worrying about what you’re going to tell her when she finds out. You’ve got to stop over thinking why he stopped caring about you over six months ago. You’ve got to stop asking everyone for their opinions. Fuck it. Love yourself, kiddo. You’ve got to love yourself.

- from Unknown

Would you write, would you call back, baby? If I wrote you a song. 
I been gone but you're still my lady and I need you at home.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Yuna - Decorate.

"So you decided to see me, out of the blue, should I let you come over? You do this all the time. You come and you go like I'm nothing, you know. Everytime you come back to me, I'm prepared to watch you leave. You can't make your mind up about me."

Yuna's entire album is TDF. Her voice is stunning.

Monday, August 12, 2013

LA + Portland

I've already been to LA, so it was good that we were only there for one night. Luckily we had Tara's friends Sarah and Hillary (LA locals) to show us around and they were so lovely!

The one night in LA included: Santa Monica for dinner, an amazing Mexican restaurant filled with lights and quesadillas and the Americans trying pineapple lumps for the first time. Santa Monica pier at night, mine and Catherine's first churro (**delicious!!!**), a gorgeous busker singing "You Are My Sunshine" at the end of the pier, taking photos of the moon, drinking in the lights, dunking our feet in the Pacific, driving home to the Lumineers and having the best sleep ever at the Hilton hotel.

We flew from a dry, yellowed LA to a lush green Portland. Portland is beautiful. The airport is the funkiest airport I have ever seen, and the city reminds me both of Wellington and Melbourne with all its bridges and hipster vibe. It's stunning. Our rental home was by the Willamette river, and was beautifully decked out with vintage wood and antiques. We had two days to wander the city before the Leakycon convention started, so we trawled the city and went to the Chinese Gardens, Voodoo Doughnuts (SO YUM), Powell's City Of Books (2 hours later and "Jamie, don't buy too many books..."), and we took the tram around the city.

How do I begin to describe Leakycon? It was basically 5000 crazy Harry Potter fans crowding the Oregon Convention Centre and there was so much going on, so many people to meet and so many laughs. It was a mixture of lectures, singalongs, celebrity signings and concerts. I met an awesome girl called Erin who became my BFF for the next four days; we played cards in line, waiting for celebrity signings, gossiping, going crazy with tiredness. I managed to get a photo with Devon Murray who played Seamus in Harry Potter, and we also managed to hang out with Laura Spencer from the Lizzie Bennett Diaries at the airport to NYC which was probably the best thing ever.

Highlights? The Wizard Rock Concert. The Whomping Willows. Hank Green. Look him up, he's amazing. The book panels at the con. The opening and closing ceremonies. Singing "Call Me Maybe" in the convention hall. The Disney singalongs with the celebrities (so much fun). The ball on the last night. Making dance circles and dancing with everyone. Ending the night with "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" sing along with the celebrities, singing so hard everyone basically went a bit insane.

It was great.
But then we went to New York.
New York is a whole nother story altogether...I fell in love with New York. Stay tuned for my New York love story.

x J

Sunday, August 11, 2013

the way way back

Duncan:   My mom’s boyfriend called me a 3 out of 10. Who says that to somebody?
Owen:   That’s about him, that’s got nothing to do with you. You've got to go your own way, and you my friend, you're going your own way. 

I saw The Way Way Back this weekend and fell in love with this little movie. Duncan broke my heart, in every scene. I bawled my eyes out when his mother saw the "Employee Of The Month" board at the pool and his smiling, happy face was there and I just couldn't handle it. It's such a fantastic film. I'm a sucker for coming of age stories, and this one really hit it for me. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

let you down.

it makes me feel happy and sad all at the same time.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

songs & tea & shameless selfies.

Can't stop listening!
I'm sitting here on the floor of our lounge, my new laptop plugged into the wireless modem (because the stupid thing won't connect to our wireless...), drinking a sweet cup of tea and bopping to these new tunes.
Back to work tomorrow.
No no no no no.