Monday, November 24, 2014


Lately, I have been loving vanilla shake M&M's, re-reading the Harry Potter series, writing my dreams down in my dream journal, beginning to write my novel again, eating out at new restaurants (Burger Liquor, here I come), coffee every morning before work with le boy, pole dancing classes... *record skips* um, whaa??

Last night I did my first ever pole dancing class - and my whole entire body aches. It was fantastic. I learned how to do twirls, pole climbs and ways to get from the floor and standing in a sexy way (!!). It's not easy, but it was incredibly uplifting and a self-esteem booster. I looked at myself in the mirror and watched my body move in ways that I never thought it could. I could see everything. I could see how round my butt is, how small my waist is, how large my hips are. But it wasn't a bad thing. I told le boy, "I noticed how wide my hips are" and he said "you can't change that, it's who you are. embrace it," and that is so true. 

Tara & I are pole dancing again next week, and rocking our femininity! It really was a way for me to feel amazing in the skin I'm in, and realise that yes I am a woman and I can be powerful, and ultimately sexy. 


Saturday, November 15, 2014

you're the only home i'll ever know.

"and in a parallel universe
it's me you can't resist."