Saturday, April 30, 2011

Casey Abrams.

Words cannot express. I've really grown accustomed to this year's American Idol - I know it seems geeky, but I absolutely adore them. They have so much talent, it is crazy! To me, I just wish they could all stay on and just sing new themes every week and just blow me away. (Other than annoying Jacob, who needs to go home)... I'm pretty gutted that Casey's gone now. Like, incredibly. His duets with Haley, of whom I will ship forever, were my favourite thing.

So this song was beautiful for many reasons:
  • Him hugging and kissing Steve 'Styler' Tyler, J-Lo, and Randy 'Rydell High' Jackson,
  • Hugging and kissing the freaking AUDIENCE! and singing as he did it? How the hell?
  • Him hi-5-ing that person, and then accidently rejecting that guy's hi-5...ahahaha, classic,
  • His roll onto the stage,
  • "You're mine" at the end looking at Haley, about to give her a big fat pash. I wish he did it!
Okay, enough geekiness for one day. You guys know too much...
I love this man.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Home Alone

"You're what the French call 'les incompetents'".

Monday, April 18, 2011

I've sort of come to the realisation, and conclusion, that while you may like someone there is no guarantee they will like you back. Liking someone doesn't mean that there's this invisible connection, a force that makes them feel the same way. While it would be grand for that to be so, it isn't always the way.

After a similar situation happening to me, it's just hit me. I'm on the opposite end of it. I do not care for someone like they care for me.

So, quite negatively, I have began to think - what if the person I care for doesn't care for me?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Things I'm Digging:

In no particular order...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Graduate.

"You're the first thing for so long that I've liked. The first person I could stand to be with."

I just had the weirdest memory come to me.

I remember back when I was thirteen and I used to work at World of Horses with Laura, Hannah, Anjali and Kyle; we decided to ride the horses bareback from the paddock up the road, back to the stables.

I fell off Prince, this tall, thin, grumpy thing, as the others were riding away. "It's okay guys, don't worry!" I said, leading him over to a log so I could get back up.

Kyle yelled, much to my dismay, "It's okay, we're not!"

Silly boy.

I kind of wish we could all get together and go riding for old times sake, and sing along to that 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, and steal free ice blocks from the freezer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

david gray.

Sail away with me, honey. I got your heart in my hands.

Sail away with me honey, now, now, now.

movies = life.

The Movies I Quote In Every-Day Life:

  • Titanic: "I'm sorry, Fabrizio. I'm sorry. You're not gonna see your mom again for a long time...COS WE'RE GOING TO AMERICA, FULL HOUSE BOYS!"

  • Love Actually: "Thank the Lord!"

  • The Boat That Rocked: "That is NOT a good record."

  • The Boat That Rocked: "Hiiiiiiiiiiii guuuuuuuys!"

  • Wayne's World: "I was not aware of that."

  • Titanic: "Sorry. You seem more like a kinda...indoor girl."

  • Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone: "Mr"

sometimes my words are in code - it cracks me up because a lot of what i say is obscure movie quotes. for example: me and my nephew were riding on a motorbike over these bumps in the ground. Me: "It's gonna be a buuuumpy ride!" My nephew then turned to me and said "Prizoner of Azkaban?"

Heck yes, POA!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

ding, ding.

woah, how can i even begin to explain? it's been so long! i could be doing so much...but no, i'm just working, geekily playing age of empires marathons with the bff/flatmate, reading books as fast as i can (which is at a snail pace), watch old black and white movies like Shadow of a Doubt, and plan a trip to Fiji in the summer....

i'm still trying to figure out the right place to go - there's so many different islands, and i have no clue which one is the one for me and the bff! hmmm, i will just go with whatever has the best deal =) and i can't wait to sip champagne and fruit juice as the sun sets above the water... beautiful. i can't wait to travel everywhere, and anywhere. i think i'll be happy whereever i go, just as long as it's safe and i'm with good people.

i'm off like a dirty shirt! it's raining, it's pouring, and daylight savings is here, and as a result i am uber tired and it's actually 11.51! aaaaaaargh! sleeeeeeeptime for me, and more awkward work-times in the morning...