Monday, February 27, 2012

le fuuuuuuunk.

i've been a bit weird lately. by weird i mean different. my moods have been crazy! basically my work moods. work either makes me super happy or makes me super depressed. i get really overwhelmed sometimes at work and have to go have a break and clear my head.
i don't know what it is. but if i think really hard, maybe it's just the changes. i miss sophie more than life. i miss my old desk. i miss having a normal work-load, not having a super full in-tray and being a little more relaxed (which makes me work better). but james always makes work awesome.

i know i have to try and accept change a little easier than i do now. i have to smile, and just relax, and just realise that this isn't me at all. i've never been like this. i've never been the moody one. i've always been the one who smiles, all the tiiiiiiime (even in weird situations). so i'm going to try my best to get out of this funk...funks are only cool in glee.

here's to getting out of a funk! *toast to randoms*

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I do quite appreciate Star Kid!

Underneath these stairs I hear the sneers and feel the glares of my cousin, my uncle and my aunt. I can't believe how cruel they are, and it stings my lightening scar to know they'll never ever give me what I want. I know I don't deserve these stupid rules made by the Dursley's here on Privet Drive. I can't take all of these muggles, but despite all of my struggles...I'm still alive.

I'm sick of summer and this waiting around. Man, it's September and I'm skippin' this town. Hey, it's no mystery, there's nothing here for me now...I gotta get back to Hogwarts! I gotta get back to schoooool. I gotta get myself to Hogwarts, where everybody knows I'm cool. Back to witches and wizards and and magical beasts, back to goblins and ghosts and magical feasts. It's all that I love and it's all that I need at Hogwarts, at Hogwarts, I'm going back.

I'll see my friends, gonna laugh till we cry, take my Firebolt, gonna take to the sky. No way this year anyone's gonna die and it's gonna be TOTALLY awesome. I'll cast some spells with the flick of my wand, defeat the Dark Lord, YEAH bring it on! And do it all with my best friend Ron, 'cause together we're TOTALLY awesome.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lovesong - Adele or the Cure?

Hands down, Adele. Beauuuuuuuuuuuu-tiful!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?

Okay, so I'm watching the new Michael Jackson episode of Glee...


- I miss Mercedes' frizzy hair! Honestly, why does she straighten it all the time?
- And why is she such a diva.
- Where does the music come from when they spontaneously jump into a song? and how do they know the dance moves, when they haven't practiced it before?
- Two words. SMOOTH CRIMINAL. Santana is seriously the biggest babe in the world. Those cello players are amazing!
- Sebastian's a douche. He's now the new villain of Glee. Didn't see that one coming.
- I realised how much I bloody love MJ songs.
- I randomly appreciated Artie and Mike's "Scream" song. Artie looks so different when he's walking...and without glasses. Damn boi.