Friday, August 26, 2011

I think the truth is that I'm afraid I'll get my heart broken. I've kind of decided that I will distance myself, a little bit. Not too much, in case. But I just don't want me feeling so much for someone who doesn't really feel the same way.
I just have this weird feeling. I guess I'll see what happens. Maybe I'm just not sure what to do. What to say. How to act. How far to go. It's been so long. But I really like him.
I'm the kind of person that if he told me that he liked somebody else, I would let him go. I would care about his feelings before my own. I would be the 'good friend' and not want to seem too clingy and eager, and say, okay, go to her. But I know I should fight for this. Something that I've wanted for a wee while.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wild Thing - Tone Loc.

Oldie, but kind of a goodie...guilty pleasure, maybe?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lorene Scafaria - We Can't Be Friends

Flippin' fantastic.

sunday afternoon.

My playlist for this week:

  1. Gotye (feat. Kimbra) - 'Somebody That I Used To Know'
  2. Sister Hazel - 'All For You'
  3. Collective Soul - 'World I Know'
  4. EMF - 'Unbelievable'
  5. Haddaway - 'What Is Love'
  6. Blind Melon - 'No Rain'
  7. Fat Boy Slim - 'Rockafeller Skank'
  8. Best Coast - 'Our Deal'
  9. Maroon 5 and Christina Aguilera - 'Moves Like Jagger'
  10. Collective Soul (again...) - 'Shine'

Such goodies I've just recently come across after not hearing them for a long time, such as Collective Soul and FBS. Love them. And how good is Gotye? He and Kimbra should always sing together, they're musical soulmates.

Currently buying togs online for Fiji, and drinking a bottle of Limeade. Hmmm, limeade? I pronounce it "Lim-ee-ayde" to make it sound more exotic. It's bloody delicious. I'm feeling a bit out of sorts as I managed to try sake, a tequila shot, and whiskey all in one night. Not to mention an AWESOME teapot from Alice. Night of firsts! Damn good, but my body isn't handling it too well today... but all i have to say is...

no regrets!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Currently listening to - Best Coast! Ultimate fave.

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I sometimes feel like there is another life I could be living, like I'm living mine all wrong. I could be overseas, I could be exploring the world (and I know I would love it, and be so curious about everything), I could be working with books or writing, i could be writing a book and be on my way to publishing it, I could be totally in love with some rad guy and he with me. But that's another thing all together.

Could I be doing anything different? I'm registering births by day. I'm watching the odd movie or episode of something by night. The nights go so quick, and the days too.

I have dreams, but I don't really know where they stand at the moment. They're so vivid and they're still there in my head, ready to be put into action but I'm not really sure where to go. I don't want to register births all my life, but I love the people I work with too much to give it up right now. I need to travel though, I know it. I feel it in my bones. I need to be out there, breathing and seeing such different things. I don't want to be in a rut.
I will make a promise to myself right now - to not give up, to keep the dreams alive and start making them work. Pinky swear!