Friday, June 29, 2012

too many clothes, too little money.

I told myself I would save save save, but what did I do?

I bought stuff.

I've just snagged myself a beautiful dress and skirt online (, the best). Le flatmate always tells me I buy too many casual dresses, and I guess I do. I just don't often get the chance to dress up, and I get more use out of casual dresses (work friendly, etc). Buuuut, in saying that, I thought I'd treat myself to this little gem. I cant wait to get it!

Also, am currently in love with and ! I just want to buy everything, and wear everything. Oh goodness. 

I'm snuggled up on the couch with a can of coke after a long week at work, watching The Voice - it's my sister and I's Friday night tradition to text each other while watching it. We're in love with Lakyn, the beautiful boy who wore maroon pants ("Mazza" pants) and sang "Kids" by MGMT. Unf.

x J

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

16 candles.

Le dream. 
Can this happen on my twenty-third birthday? 

albert finney & eggs.

Did you know that guy right there played Daddy Warbucks in Annie?
I kid thou not!
What a babe.

So, I'm sitting here feeling slightly bummed as I just attempted to make amazing boiled eggs for dinner. Out of 6 eggs, only 2 boiled properly (by properly I mean less runny than the others...). Future husband, I know this may look unappealing now but I promise I will practice. I will be a domestic goddess in no time...

x J

Monday, June 25, 2012

mums are always right!

so, my mum just called and pretty much straight out said that she thinks I should go travelling and/or live in Melbourne.
she told me i had to, and that nothing's holding me back, and i need to go see the world.
do you want to get rid of me? i said, having a laugh.
she said that she wants me to go out and experience the world while i'm still young. she wants me to have an adventure like my sister did when she was around my age (actually, younger! eek) and since i looked up to my sister so much when she went on her trip, i think mum's right.

i think it's time for an adventure.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

it's beginning to get to me - snow patrol.

I wanted something
That's purer than the water
Like we were

It's not there now
Ineloquence and anger
Are all we have

Like Saturn's rings
An icy loop around me
Too hard to hold

Lash out first
At all the things we don't like
Or understand

And it's beginning to get to me
That I know more of the stars and sea
Than I do of what's in your head
Barely touching in our cold bed
Are you beginning to get my point
That all this fighting with aching joints
It's doing nothing but tire us out?
No one knows what this fight's about

The answered phone
The lonely sound of your voice
Frozen in time

I only need
The compass that you gave me
To guide me on

Are you beginning to get my point
That all this fighting with aching joints
It's doing nothing but tire us out?
And no one knows what this fight's about

It's so thrilling but also wrong
Don't have to prove that you are so strong
'Cause I can carry you on my back
After our enemies attack

I tried to tell you before I left
But I was screaming under my breath
You are the only thing that makes sense
Just ignore all this present tense

We need to feel breathless with love
And not collapse under its weight
I'm gasping for the air to fill
My lungs with everything I've lost

We need to feel breathless with love
And not collapse under its weight
I'm gasping for the air to fill
My lungs with everything I've lost

can we just agree that this is the most beautiful song of all time and just get on with our lives? aah, my life has changed. this song came on my ipod today and for some reason I finally listened to the lyrics, and they really hit my heart. i sat there at my desk at work thinking - where has this song been all my life?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

melbourne & such.

So, I went to Melbourne last weekend on a wee holiday with mum and two of my sisters, and it was marvellous! Such a beautiful city that reminds me so much of Wellington - so easy to get around, beautiful trees, wee nooks and crannies, alley-ways and cafes.
We ate our weight in amazing food, played the pokies (i won $30 and then lost it...all part of the game, mum, the Pokie Queen, tells me) shopped till we dropped, and we saw the coolest stage show of Annie. Annie was a part of my childhood, so it was pretty spesh seeing the story on the big stage! The fam and I knew all the words, and mum was in tears during the first "Tomorrow" song. I even wore my locket in the Annie spirit hehe.

What a great, great place - definitely want to come back one day for longer than four days, so I can browse the museums and art galleries and libraries. Ahh, bliss. Plus, one of my best friends live there and I really can't live without her for a long period of time!

And now...

Reading: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen by Paul Torday. I haven't seen the film yet, but the book is wonderful.

Watching: 50/50, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Great film - got a very indie feel. It's gonna be a tear jerker, I can feel it already!

Loving: Draw Something app on my new phone. So fun! Also, my work-mate made me get Instagram and I love it! I've always been a fan of the vintage look with photos, so I'm in heaven.

Off to watch the rest of fitty fitty, and bawl my eyes out.



I like being alone.

I like drinking coffee alone, and reading alone.
I like riding the bus alone, and walking home alone.
It gives me time to think, and set my mind free.
I like eating alone, and listening to music alone.
But when I see a mother with her child, a girl with her lover, or a friend laughing with their best friend, I realize that even though I like being alone, I don’t fancy being lonely. The sky is beautiful, but the people are sad. I just need someone who won’t run away.
(Source: buddhacoffee)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I have only one thing to say, and that is...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

in that moment, i swear we were infinite.

"Why do I, and everyone I love, pick people who treat us like we're nothing?"
"We accept the love we think we deserve."

ahh, ahh! the perks trailer is finally up.
the book character version of me is finally on the big screen.
and i have to say, emma watson is flawless. her accent, everything.
i couldn't be more excited. i have watched this ten million times.

the break up.

the thing about break-ups is that they completely rearrange your expectations; what you want, what makes you happy. did i really know what i wanted?

i've come to realise both my up and down-sides. like, i'm not a drama queen. i'm awkward. i'm super shy. i laugh often, sometimes in weird/inappropriate situations. i make puns out of everything (even the bad ones). i like to tell stories. i gossip. i'm affectionate. i like kissing cheeks. i quote a lot of movies. i find weird things funny.
maybe i'm an acquired taste.

but you know, now i feel somewhat set free. i feel a sense of hope that i will find something so perfect one day. no, no, not perfect but maybe so imperfect that it's perfect. someone who will love my imperfections and i them. there is a lot to me, a lot to offer. i like myself. i'm a pretty alright human being.

i'm only 22, and there's so much time ahead of me to meet someone. i was sad, i had my moment where i cried into my pillow and wondered 'what now?' but at this moment i've only got hope, which is the last thing i thought i'd have. i'm glad it happened, but it's time to move up and away.

coming soon: a list of things that i want. stay tuned. they include burt farlander from away we go. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Grandads are boss.

My grandad was pretty much the coolest.

I can see so much of my dad in this picture. The same nose, eyes, mouth. They were so alike, those two. Always cracking the same jokes, calling each other "Fred" and "Harry" (I never quite understood where that came from!), they even laughed exactly the same. I love all of grandad's old pictures. When he passed, I was so obsessed with looking at all his old photos. I wish I got to ask more about what he'd done, what happened in those photos.
I guess that's the good thing about photos, huh? That they will tell stories, long after you're gone.

Friday, June 1, 2012

take me back, air new zealand.

Winter is well and truly here - the first day of winter! aaah, a world of coats, hats (my favourite things!) and milo's to warm me up in the morning.
To greet winter (or perhaps, to reject it), I'm reliving my days I spent in Fiji last November. 8 days of sun, amazing heat, sand, delicious food, lovely new friends (i'm talking about you, Rachelle & Paul!) and many laughs. Me and le flatmate always talk about wanting to go back to those wonderful days. It was our first overseas trip by ourselves, and we rocked it.
Ahhh, Fiji. You beauty.